Who Are We?

Springs of Grace is a Church Replanted for . . .

The Glory of God

The Good of the Church

The Growth of the Kingdom

  • An open Bible

    Biblical Vigor

    God reveals himself primarily through his Word, the Bible. He has spoken to us, so we are committed to seeking him in the words of Scripture. We study the Bible because we find in it “all things that pertain to life and godliness“ (2 Peter 1:3). And we do this with vigor—with enthusiastic effort—because this is the reward of our faith, to “press on to know the Lord” (Hosea 6:3).

  • Box of pastel paints

    Beautiful Diversity

    We treasure both unity and diversity. We believe that God desires to showcase his manifold wisdom in the church (Ephesians 3:10) by tearing down walls of fear, hostility, and strife. Beauty in diversity is a way that we intend to show what our God is like: three in one.

  • A starry night sky

    Eternal Mindset

    We live in the tension of the messianic moment. The kingdom of heaven is already here but has not been fully realized. We anticipate Christ’s second coming, when all will be set right (2 Peter 3:13), but we do not merely wait. Eternity starts now! We look for glimpses, like how God calls people “from every tribe and language and people and nation“ (Revelation 5:9). This eternal mindset drives our mission to go to all nations, starting in our own neighborhood (Matthew 28:18–20).

  • Small diverse group of friends talking over a meal

    Vital Community

    The church is the body of Christ. We all need each other (1 Corinthians 12:14). We strive to live as a family of brothers and sisters in Christ, laying our lives down for each other. So we live together, laugh together, cry together, and serve together. When we do this, we challenge each other to love the way Jesus calls us to love our God and our neighbors (Luke 10:27).

  • Someone hiking a mountain pauses to look over the valley

    Humble Confidence

    The only appropriate posture before a God as big as ours is humility. At the same time, we trust in the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice to stand before him. In light of that gospel, we have confidence before him and before others. We believe true humility is marked by confidence, and true confidence is marked by humility. This drives our worship, community, and evangelism.